Friday, November 9, 2012


closed auto shop

Bail Bonds and Graveyards

a Police Station

Coroner's Office

Shops, Banks, Churches

Mexican Restaurant

Shops and more

a court house

doors and more doors

nope, wasn't going for a Dutch angle and getting fancy. I was in a car and holding the camera out the passenger side from the driver's seat.  Interesting though

Sunday, October 28, 2012


I had a quirky idea of posting photos of front doors, entry ways and porches in a blog.  My family and I moved across the country to a new state over a year ago and we rubber-neck when we find a new area, checking out the houses and buildings.

Each place is different.  Even a number of apartments in complexes try to find a way to stand out, to be different.

Might even do seasonal photos of some places. 

What you won't find here - no address or business names.  Hopefully others will post pictures of places they find interesting or even mundane places.  Most buildings are different from each other. Check 'em out!